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And the Colour of the Year 2022 goes to Very Peri…! | Tripura

And the Colour of the Year 2022 goes to Very Peri…!

People are just done with the usual colours, tones, shade cards and palettes! With the changing landscape in trends across the board, Pantone, the colour expert chooses, amongst a variety of blues and reds, Very Peri, a shade of lavender that has already influenced the world of clothing, branding, footwear beauty, mobile technology, and interior design even.

“The Pantone Colour of the Year reflects what is taking place in our global culture, expressing what people are looking for that colour can hope to answer.” said Laurie Pressman, Vice President of the Pantone Colour Institute. Pantone describes Very Peri as ‘encompassing the qualities of the blues, yet at the same time possessing a violet-red undertone, and a colour that displays a spritely, joyous attitude and dynamic presence that encourages courageous creativity and imaginative expression.’

The question on your mind could very well be, “how can I bring Very Peri into my home?”

You could do that either by painting a wall Very Peri or if you are the kind who likes to keep it subtle, pick out a blue or purple glassware and bring them together for effect and then add slender stems of lavender. Alternatively, you can fill your couches in your living room or linen in your bedroom with Very Peri cushions.

Tips to include Very Peri in and around your home:

Drape ‘em Curtains:
For your living room, use Very Peri with fresh white curtains for a festive or an occasional makeover. Add a string of lights to add more visual impact. Ensure you keep the white more prominent and Very Peri like an undertone to avoid the colour palette looking too mawkish. For variety or a bold take use patterns like stripes, abstract or geometric paint effects. And if you are a romantic at heart and would prefer floral or soft printed fabrics, by all means, splash those curtain rods by choosing designs with shades of white and Very Peri.
Let there be light!

Very Peri and berry go oh so well together. Use vases to make a statement with Very Peri by coupling it with a shade of pink that will make it stand out. To make a bold statement, pair Very Peri with a shade of deep pink. While you do that ensure that these shades complement with more neutral colours to create a more harmonious pairing of colours. For a more subtle statement, add Very Peri and pinks through smaller decorative items, such as cushions and vases.

Light in Very Peri

Blue and Very Peri go beautifully together. Think of wall papers, lampshades and candle stands which placed in any room brings a sense of positivity. The calmness of blue, with scented lavender candles either in your bath or bedside table. What’s even balancing is that Very Peri goes with shades of beige that brings life to any room you accentuate with either bed or bath linen.

Making a statement

Not many think of Very Peri when it comes to buying furniture for their homes. But Very Peri sofas or an armchair in the corner next to a bright window not only makes your living room unique and contemporary but also grand. Toss emerald or navy velvet cushions or a gold-coloured large cushion on your armchair would make your living room look like a million bucks!

Soft Furnishings

Using orange or yellow with Very Peri makes any space a happy and joyous space. As orange and yellow are bright colours, you could make them the dominant colours while keeping Very Peri either in the backdrop as a wallpaper or as an ottoman even.

Kitchenette Décor

If you are the master of decorating your home, you must use Very Peri with shades of grey. When all combinations fail, this duo can never let you down. Grey and Very Peri with a dash of green or a yellow streak can add immense character to the area that you choose to furnish. Never forget to add the greens to a Very Peri and a Grey palette.

Wall paper

When you think of Very Peri you cannot but help think of pairing it with green. Think green and Very Peri wallpaper caressing your kitchen or bathroom walls. Green being an earthy colour you can also pair it with browns since it is part of nature and thus creates harmony when used as a backdrop.


The ones with a brave heart might use Very Peri in the form of paint. If you consider yourself one, then bring home a painting that features just that on a large wall. Celebrate a special day or a date with gifting a Very Peri painting. It could either be the famous Water Lillies by Claude Monet or Henri Edmond Cross’s The Washerwoman. A guarantee is that you cannot just stop at one.

In the rest of the world, from an astrological standpoint, Very Peri is not only a unique colour to choose to accentuate or decorate your home but is also motivational in nature. It gives you the much-needed confidence to reach within to align your goals and emotions included.  If you need positive energy around where you work or sleep or hang out, all you need to do is wear something Very Peri or decorate your home with a throw to wrap yourself up in.

Pallavi Krishna


– Written By Pallavi Krishna

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